
Dì Yù (English)

For about two years, men who abuse and rape women have been attacked and stripped of their masculinity, amputated from their virile organ. The police investigation services have no leads, no clues, nothing. Who is committing these sordid crimes against these equally deranged criminals?

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Graphic content

“This book contains explicit references to sexual fantasies and sexual crimes, alcohol consumption, violence, drugs, magic/sorcery, cursing and inappropriate language.”

For 18 years old and +
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For about two years, men who abuse and rape women have been attacked and stripped of their masculinity, amputated from their virile organ. The police investigation services have no leads, no clues, nothing. Who is committing these sordid crimes against these equally deranged criminals?

Under the pressure of his superiors, a detective nearing retirement will be forced to enlist the services of a sensitive/psychic to elucidate these atrocities of a sexual nature committed against these abusive sociopaths, brutes with burnt brains.

A group of mismatched bikers made up only of women will lend a hand to the investigation. Sisters from a religious congregation in Montreal will also participate to find out who is committing these crimes against these phallocrats who rapes and abuses women.

Mind-blowing paranormal phenomena, disturbing visions and extrasensory feelings. Four days of more than trying and disturbing investigation.
A horror/suspense/thriller novel that will haunt you forever and ever. You will be marked for life.

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